Market Insight

Planning Changes July 2020 – A guide to the latest developments

August 18, 2020

In July 2020, a range of changes to permitted development rights and planning use classes were announced, the latter of which is arguably one of the most significant curtailings of regulatory control in the planning system for some time.

The aim is to encourage more housebuilding on existing sites and to allow greater flexibility of uses for town centres to stimulate development. 

Our planning experts have brought together a summary detailing what has changed, exploring these in detail as well as making clear some of the caveats, particularly in relation to permitted development rights. 

Read the full guide to the recent changes below, or click here to download a PDF. 

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that permitted development rights were also published in June 2020, so for more information about this, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our planning team.