Under offer
Property types
For Sale
Square foot size
5918 - 12939
Technology House 215 High Street, West Drayton
Offers in excess of £2,450,000
215 High Street, West Drayton, UB7 7QP
- Located in the Greater London suburb of West Drayton with excellent access to the motorway, train station and Heathrow Airport.
- A hybrid industrial/office two storey unit with excellent car parking to front and full height storage to the rear.
- The property measures 1,202.1 sqm (12,939 sqft) GIA.
- The property is let in its entirety to Dataquest (Heathrow) Limited on a lease expiring on 29 October 2025 at a rent of £192,000 per annum exclusive.
- The tenant Dataquest (Heathrow) Limited (Company Number: 01900317) has a turnover of nearly £17m.
- We are instructed to seek offers in excess of £2.45m, subject to contract and exclusive of VAT for our client’s freehold interest.
Industrial/Office Investment for Sale
Technology House is a purpose built two-storey business unit which is believed to have been built in 1996. The property is of steel portal frame construction with aluminium and brick cladding. The first floor is made from cast in situ concrete.
The ground floor is arranged as offices, meeting rooms, kitchen and toilets and generally benefits from comfort cooling, fluorescent lighting, carpeting and datapoints within the office areas. The remainder of the ground floor is used as storage, offices and server room as well as male and female WC’s. The rear portion of the unit is a full height storage area and has an eaves height of 5.57m. Double doors to the front of the property allow loading/unloading.
The first floor is predominantly used as office accommodation which in the main is open plan. In addition there is a small kitchen, staff amenity area, reception and WC.
To the front of the unit there are 22 designated parking spaces.
