Vail Williams has a proven track record in the build-to-rent (BTR) sector – one of the fastest growing sub-sectors of the private rented sector.
Whilst well-established in Europe and the US where long-term renting in the norm, it is still gaining pace in the UK, as new housing supply continues to struggle to meet rising demand for rental properties.
Designed to cater for long-term renters, BTR schemes tend to be purpose-built blocks of flats operated by specialist corporate landlords offering longer tenancy agreements than the traditional private rented sector.
They often boast a range of additional facilities built in to suit modern, urban lifestyles – from gyms to coworking space.
Our people, your partners
Our multi-disciplinary build-to-rent (BTR) team is experienced in advising a range of local authorities, funders and developers of BTR schemes across the UK, including the Solent’s first BTR scheme – a £60m 279-bed apartment scheme at Bow Square in Southampton.
We support clients and their project partners with everything from assessing market demand for BTR schemes in a particular area, and viability in both planning and profitability terms, to securing planning permission for a planned scheme.
Drawing on the expertise of our business rates advisors, we also support developers with mitigating their business rates liability on show homes throughout the development and marketing period.
Once a scheme is delivered, our property asset management team provides ongoing property management services, and at the end of the BTR journey, our investment team can support with the disposal of BTR investments.
Get in touch
Whether you’re an educational institution, local authority or developer, our team of industrial property experts have your education property needs covered.