Market Insight

Decision against Fareham Borough Council highlights the significant need for housing in the area.

August 16, 2017
Houses in England with typical red bricks at sunset

Last night an appeal decision was released against Fareham Borough Council allowing 120 dwellings at Cranleigh Road. This appeal decision established Fareham’s five year Housing Land Supply position as just over two years which identifies Fareham as having a significant need for housing delivery.

Summary of the Decision:-

The Inspector decided that Fareham should have a 5% buffer as it has only had a persistent under-delivery of only 2 out of the last 10 years. The buffer should also be applied to the housing allocation at Welbourne. It was also found that the Council’s Objectively Assessed Need is out of date and should be based on the PUSH April 2016 Objectively Assessed Need of 420dpa.

The allocations at Welbourne, LP2 and Warsash Maritime Academy are not deliverable within the 5 year period.

Based on the above, the Inspector considers the HLS figure to be “marginally over 2 years”.

If you have land interests in Fareham that could be considered a sustainable location for residential development an application should be submitted as soon as possible to take opportunity of this Housing Land Supply position.

Vail Williams’ Senior Planner in the Solent Region, Ben Christian Commented on the decision:-

‘This appeal decision has opened opportunities for residential development in Fareham. It is now very difficult for Fareham Planning Authority to refuse planning applications for residential development in sustainable locations. The Local Plan housing policies have been left in ruins and Council are having to pay costs to the appellant for acting “unreasonably in asserting that it had a 5 year supply of housing land at the time of the application and in continuing to assert that position at the inquiry”.’