Market Insight

Can I obtain a Building Survey despite COVID-19 related travel restrictions?

April 21, 2020

Many property transactions are being driven by lease events such as lease ends or break dates, which will need to proceed despite the challenges that COVID-19 presents.

Most will require some form of building survey and report – from a pre-acquisition survey for a freehold purchase or a building condition survey for a company taking out a new lease.

Perhaps you need to know the likely leasehold dilapidations liability on your current property so you can consider whether or not to relocate to alternative premises in the current climate.

Whatever your needs, our building surveying team is on hand to provide the support you need to continue business as usual.

Naturally, we have taken account of the restrictions placed on us all by COVID-19 and are adhering to Government advice.

In most instances, we are still able to support clients with their surveying needs. How?

We can commence with desktop investigations and documentation reviews and we are still inspecting vacant properties and reporting our findings.

If a property is still occupied and operational, we are offering out of hours site visits so that transactions can still proceed.

It can take a little longer for access to be arranged and for the report to be issued, but we are typically able to deliver reports within 10 working days of receiving an instruction.

If you are likely to need a survey or inspection do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs.