
Vail Williams was appointed by the award-winning residential developer, Stratfield Homes, to provide planning advice in relation to the proposed development of nine dwellings on a former brownfield site at Hartley Wintney in Hampshire.

This was a complex project owing to the fact that part of the site was located within the Hartley Wintney Conservation Area.

The site was also surrounded by several existing residential dwellings, so careful consideration needed to be given to how the development would affect neighbouring properties and impact the heritage setting.

How we helped
  • Undertook pre-application discussions with Hart District Council
  • Provided ancillary support to Stratfield Homes with their stakeholder engagement with the local community, local Councillors and the Parish Council
  • Submitted planning application in Summer 2021
  • Worked with Hart District Council to address comments received by technical consultees to ensure the application was heard at committee with a recommendation for approval.
  • Amended the planning application, working closely with the client, to improve the sustainability credentials of the scheme, incorporating low carbon technologies such as Air Source Heat Pumps.

We are grateful to Vail Williams for their planning expertise and fantastic ability to engage with the various stakeholders involved in this development, which together with their technical planning knowledge, helped to ensure a successful outcome.

Paul Cooper, Managing Director, Stratfield Homes

  • The planning application received unanimous approval in January 2022
  • Planning permission was granted in March 2022
  • Development commenced in Spring 2022
  • The redevelopment will regenerate a dilapidated brownfield site in a sustainable location to create a high-quality residential development and much-needed housing supply in the area.

Get in touch

If you think you may need similar support to that described here, or you would simply want to have an informal chat with a member of our team to discuss your property needs, get in touch.