It is possible to challenge the Rateable Value (RV) of your property and our business rates experts can assist you in this process.

You may be entitled to a reduction in RV if:

  • Your property was being affected by substantial building works i.e. noise, dust, dirt, disturbance. In this case, a temporary reduction in RV could be awarded for the period of the works. This is commonly known as an MCC Appeal (Material Changes in Circumstance).
  • You have evidence to suggest the RV is excessive.
  • Your business occupies two adjoining properties – by merging these to form one single rateable hereditament, this could reduce your RV. However, there are many other factors to take into account before submitting such an appeal to the Valuation Office Agency.

As your business rates liability is linked to your RV, a reduction in RV could lead to a reduction in the amount of business rates you pay to your local authority.

If your property becomes vacant, you could be eligible for 100% exemption for a period of three to six months, dependent on the nature of the building (for example, six months for industrials and three months for commercial).

Meanwhile, partially occupied properties may be eligible for 100% rate relief on the part which is vacant.

Working with you, our business rates experts can explore potential opportunities to reduce your business rates.

For more information and support, don’t hesitate to get in touch.