When your business is affected by building works, you have the opportunity for a reduction in your liability for the duration of the works. This is called a Material Change of Circumstance (MCC).

This covers things such as:

  • Road or street works taking place which have a direct impact on your property
  • Building works or demolition nearby, or erection of scaffolding on a neighbouring property
  • Changes to road layout or pedestrianisation
  • An increase in the number of vacant properties, which are similar to your property and located close by
  • A new development opening within the locality that affects you.

When applying for an MCC, it needs to be as close to the start date of the building works and associated disruption as possible. This is known as the ‘Material Day.’

You will also need to provide proof how the building works are affecting you, this could be in the form of reduced business / receipts, or by demonstrating an inability to use certain space as a result of the works being carried out.

If your building is incapable of being occupied as a result of the building work disruption, then you may be able to claim some relief for that period of time through the appropriate MCC appeal.

If the building is being affected by adjoining building works, then an appropriate allowance may be applicable, depending on the level of disruption. The key for an MCC is the amount of time the works are likely to take.

Our business rates advisers will help you to navigate the process of applying for a MCC, and will ensure that you achieve the full extent of the relief available to you.