Secured Sale of Assets Case Study - St John Ambulance

Thames Valley
Disposal of ageing facility in Maidenhead
Multi-disciplinary advice
Secured sale of asset
Proceeds helped philanthropic aims of St John Ambulance, benefitting wider community

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St John Ambulance has been a longstanding client of Vail Williams, having provided strategic occupier advisory services for the charity’s national portfolio for several years.

One specific project we were appointed to advise on, was the disposal of their ageing Maidenhead facility, which had reached the end of its economic life, in order to generate funds for the charity, and enable the relocation of its Maidenhead facility to more modern premises.

How we helped
  • We brought together a team of disposal experts specialising in the Thames Valley property market.
  • We understood the site to be in an area earmarked for regeneration, where developers would be looking to acquire similar sites.
  • Drawing on expertise from our planning team, we developed various scenarios to make the premises attractive to potential buyers.
  • Our building consultancy team made reparation suggestions to improve the standard of the building, whilst our valuation and business space experts advised on maximising value from the asset.
  • This added value work was done without charge, in support of a valued client and in the knowledge that additional sale proceeds would go straight into philanthropic activities.

Drawing on our knowledge of the local market, we were able to achieve best value for our client in the disposal of their asset.

The strategies that our teams pursued, resulted in a sale 425% above valuation.

Enabled our client to invest the proceeds from the sale into new ambulances, first aid education programmes and the relocation of their Maidenhead facility.

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If you think you may need similar support to that described here, or you would simply want to have an informal chat with a member of our team to discuss your property needs, get in touch.