Simon Moffatt
Business RatesLondon
––Before joining Vail Williams in 2016 and heading up their national Rating Department, Simon set up the property company of Bisset Moffatt Hill Chartered Surveyors.
There he ran the agency and lease advisory department advising clients both occupier and corporate on their various property portfolios and asset management strategies for over 20 years. Given his breadth of experience across the spectrum of landlord and tenant lease advisory, agency acquisition, business rates and valuation he now works in the London Occupier Advisory team.
Simon is a Chartered Valuation Surveyor, a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (“FRICS”), a member of the Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (“IRRV”), an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (“ACIArb”) and a Fellow of the Institution of Commercial and Business Agents (“FICBA”). He was also an appointed RICS Quality Assurance Auditor for the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) Governance and Membership, and for over 20 years, an RICS APC Chairman for graduate assessment at interview. Currently, he is an RICS Appeal Panel adjudicator.
Outside of work Simon enjoys shooting, sailing and skiing.
Key Skills
- Business rates consultancy
- Empty Rates Relief
- Material Change Circumstance
- Rates Liability Auditing
- Commercial lease advice
- Commercial rent reviews